Source code for pyautocad.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#date: 16.01.12
import sys
import re
import time
from contextlib import contextmanager

[docs]def unformat_mtext(s, exclude_list=('P', 'S')): """Returns string with removed format information :param s: string with multitext :param exclude_list: don't touch tags from this list. Default ('P', 'S') for newline and fractions :: >>> text = ur'{\\fGOST type A|b0|i0|c204|p34;TEST\\fGOST type A|b0|i0|c0|p34;123}' >>> unformat_mtext(text) u'TEST123' """ s = re.sub(r'\{?\\[^%s][^;]+;' % ''.join(exclude_list), '', s) s = re.sub(r'\}', '', s) return s
[docs]def mtext_to_string(s): """ Returns string with removed format innformation as :func:`unformat_mtext` and `\\P` (paragraphs) replaced with newlines :: >>> text = ur'{\\fGOST type A|b0|i0|c204|p34;TEST\\fGOST type A|b0|i0|c0|p34;123}\\Ptest321' >>> mtext_to_string(text) u'TEST123\\ntest321' """ return unformat_mtext(s).replace(u'\\P', u'\n')
[docs]def string_to_mtext(s): """Returns string in Autocad multitext format Replaces newllines `\\\\n` with `\\\\P`, etc. """ return s.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace(u'\n', u'\P')
[docs]def text_width(text_item): """Returns width of Autocad `Text` or `MultiText` object """ bbox_min, bbox_max = text_item.GetBoundingbox() return bbox_max[0] - bbox_min[0]
[docs]def timing(message=u'Elapsed'): """ Context manager for timing execution Usage:: with timing('some operation'): do_some_actions() Will print:: some operation: 1.000 s # where 1.000 is actual execution time """ begin = time.time() try: yield begin finally: elapsed = (time.time() - begin) print u'%s: %.3f s' % (message, elapsed)
[docs]def dynamic_print(text): """Prints text dynamically in one line Used for printing something like animations, or progress """ sys.stdout.write('\r%s' % text) sys.stdout.flush()